Photo of Jemima Russell

Jemima Russell

Netball (ICSM): Alumni & Education Officer

Hey queens it’s Jemmy!!! This year I’d like to become alumni officer and older year education girl. Here are some ideas I have:

-organise a deanery fair at the start of the year so final years can speak to someone in each area to help them ask questions/ understand the vibe for where they’d like to apply

-weekly tutorials for 5th and final years: I’ll message the docs asap and get them to commit. Also I’d like to work with football so we can provide twice as many between the clubs. I’ll send out a survey to ask what topics people find hardest and need most help on.

-organise BSc buddies for 4th years

-speak to older years/ docs before the start of term to create an advice pack for each year

-buddy an older and younger year from non-medic subjects so everyone feels supported

-communicate exam periods with captains so everyone is in the loop about when players might need time off matches

-make alumni day fun e.g. roll dices in each match for drinking challenges players need to do during the match. This means people won’t be stressed to run off to pres and evens out team ability a bit

As treasurer this year, I’ve had a role big role in organising alumni dinner, so am ready to make it bigger and better for next year!!

Slay x