Geriatrics and Elderly Medicine: Chair


Tanya Jayakar

Hi I'm Tanya and I have been GEMS secretary this year and really enjoy this role. I would love if you would consider me for president next year! - I feel that I would be able to contribute to this role as I have lots of experience teaching, leading and being on the GEMS committee. This year, I have delivered 7 lectures so far with MM, Meded, PotMed and Pharmsoc for both 1st and 2nd years on topics ranging from Dev& ...

Shiromi Patrick

Hi my name is Shiromi and I am currently a third year medical student. I am currently the treasurer of geriatrics and elderly medicine society and I am applying to be chair for the society for this upcoming year. In terms of my ideas for this society, it would be to make this society active again. I want to do online talks, possibly a series and give attendees certificates of attendance, to increase the interest and ...