Photo of Alwin Paul

Alwin Paul

Surgical: Research Representative

Hello I’m Alwin, a 2nd year medic and I’m excited to apply for the position of Research Representative with SurgSoc.

My experiences have taught me that Medicine is not so much the art of bearing all the answers but more so of asking the correct questions.

With SurgSoc, I hope to help cultivate in ICSM students a longing to ask ‘Why?’ and to question the answers provided. I hope to:

  • Having worked with a global health-tech company that has designed cranial nerve stimulation technology to solve some of the world’s greatest health challenges, I’d like to advocate for speakers/events that blend surgery with a MedTech focus.

  • Develop more SurgSoc research poster/essay competitions collaborating with other institutions (e.g. Royal Society of Medicine) to introduce eager ICSM students into research. You can repurpose/reuse this to enter other competitions.

  • Host events with a focus on QI/audits, empowering you to conduct your own when on placement.

  • Encourage students to bridge the gap between research and public awareness. I have contributed to the global analysis of the funding allocated to the various treatment types of upper GI cancers as well as help disseminate the results of the £1.5 million FORCE trial.

I remain evermore compelled by what medical research has to offer, as many questions - both mine, SurgSoc's and the global medical communities’- remain unanswered.

So, what more fitting way to end this manifesto than on a question: if you share this curiosity, do I have your vote?