Photo of Anusha Manikandan

Anusha Manikandan

Psychiatry: General Committee

Hi everyone,

I'm Anusha and I would love to be on General Committee for Psychiatry!

I've loved all of the teaching we've received over the past couple of years with respect to Psychiatry, but always felt it to be very generalised and not focused on breaking down barriers and stigmas when it comes to mental health issues. Mental health is a term commonly thrown around these days, with people rarely taking the time to pause and think what exactly it means to them. Statistics are one thing, but personal experience and being in a community with individuals who share the same philosphies and ideals as you is another. Psychiatry society is what bridges the gap between these. It fosters a community where you and your experiences are valued and allows you to learn from others and take away thoughts and ideas that aren't emphasised in Imperial's curriculum.

I would be thrilled to be a part of Psychiatry committee, where I could surround myself with others and be inspired to do more within the community, whether it's research or volunteering opportunities. I would focus on getting more people involved and spreading the love of this amazing specialty to a wider audience through social media platforms and generally by helping run all the events throughout the year, making them the best they possibly could be, and hopefully invoking a passion of psychiatry into everyone who attends!