Photo of Sheshpriya Gadiya

Sheshpriya Gadiya

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Events and Social Officer

Hello, I'm Priya, and I'm enthusiastic about taking on the role of Events and Social Officer for Obstetrics & Gynaecology. In this position, I'm dedicated to creating a lively and engaging environment for all members.

Here's my vision:

  1. Diverse Event Portfolio: I'm committed to organizing a spectrum of events that cater to the varied interests of our members. From educational seminars and workshops to social mixers and wellness activities, I'll ensure our calendar is filled with events that enhance both professional knowledge and social connections.

  2. Collaborative Initiatives: Let's collaborate and amplify our impact. I'll initiate partnerships with related societies, inviting guest speakers and organizing joint events. This collaborative approach will enrich our events and provide a broader perspective on Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

  3. Interactive Educational Sessions: Learning should be engaging. I'll organize interactive educational sessions that go beyond traditional lectures. Workshops, case discussions, and panel sessions will provide opportunities for hands-on learning and fruitful discussions among our members.

  4. Feedback-Driven Approach: Your feedback matters. I'll establish a feedback mechanism to ensure our events align with your expectations. This open communication channel will allow continuous improvement, making sure each event reflects the desires and preferences of our community.

Vote Priya for Events and Social Officer, and let's make our time in Obstetrics & Gynaecology not just professionally enriching but also socially vibrant and memorable!