Photo of Simi Adewale

Simi Adewale

Psychiatry: PsychStart Lead

Hi, I’m Simi, a second year medic and I would love to be the Psychstart lead for the next academic year!

The Psychstart programme has provide me the opportunity to pair up with a mentor who I’ve learnt and received advice from throughout my academia. I have full confidence I will continue to rely on such amazing support. I also had the invaluable opportunity to shadow her (in rehabilitative psychiatry) thanks to the Psychstart programme. Psychstart has grown my love and passion for psychiatry and equipped me with indispensable experience which would have undoubtedly only occurred later by normal means.

Hence, I would love to spearhead the provision and organisation of such an invaluable experience for others. As an award winning executive director of a short film (Nexus) on eating disorders, I have made many connections with psychiatrists at a range of events from the Royal College of Psychiatry awards, to the annual Health Service Journal awards. I would love to involve these doctors and their colleagues in this scheme, to expand the existing network so other students can reap many more benefits. I would ensure people are paired up with mentors from a wide range that can reflect their interests/needs exactly, allowing the best possible progress within their aspiring careers. I believe my experience, skills and networking would make me the best candidate.

I hope you will consider me for this position and vote for me!

Simi :)