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Ollie Danks

Writers' Society: President

Hello! I’m Ollie, a third year chemistry student, and I am again running for President of the Writer’s Society, after a succesful year as President filled with plenty of ad-libbed writing prompts.

Continuing as President, I hope to introduce more social aspects to the club, including meetings beyond the typical prompt formula. I would like to encourage sessions focused on discussion and proof-reading of our own perosnal projects, as I know our talented members have been working hard on these. I am also keen to organise social events that are not strictly writing related.

More important than any of this though, my aim is to finally tap into our budget to introduce snacks to our meetings!

I am a highly-organised person who tries to make the time to write a little every day. Balancing a passion for creative writing alongside our often-stressful degrees can be a struggle though I find it to be a fun escape from work and hope I can continue to share this enthusiasm as President of our society.

Thank you for considering me for this role.