Photo of Divij Handa

Divij Handa

TedX: Chair

Hi, I'm Divij Vidhi Handa, a second-year biomedical engineering student. Previously, I was the treasurer for TEDx, where I gained valuable insights into our organization's strengths and areas needing improvement. Collaborating closely with Aaditya, a dedicated TEDx core committee member for two years, we envision a revitalized TEDx society in the upcoming year, committed to hosting more engaging events and reinstating the prestigious TEDx annual event.

If entrusted with the role of TEDx Chair, my foremost priority will be to overhaul the committee structure, addressing one of our past shortcomings. We propose the introduction of dual co-chairs, leveraging Aaditya's extensive TEDx experience alongside mine. This strategic move aims to foster a dynamic leadership approach, ensuring comprehensive oversight and efficient decision-making.

Furthermore, our vision entails a thorough reassessment of committee roles, with a focus on attracting passionate individuals who share our enthusiasm for TEDx's mission. By instilling a culture of innovation and collaboration, we aim to restore TEDx to its former glory and exceed previous achievements.

Together, Aaditya and I are poised to spearhead this transformative journey, leveraging our collective expertise and unwavering dedication to elevate the TEDx experience for our community. Join us in shaping a future where TEDx thrives as a beacon of inspiration and thought leadership.