Photo of Xinyun Fu

Xinyun Fu

Materials: Publicity Officer

Hey there! I'm Florence, a first year Materials student eager to share our life and experiences in MatSoc Imperial with the world!

Being a person who already made plenty of friends from other courses jealous of what we do in Materials, I think I'l be just the right person to be the publicity officer for our society.

I love to take pictures to record my life as a mateirals student and I also sometimes make vlogs of my days and share it through social media. Hence, I'm quite familiar with photo and video editing.

In terms of poster and infographic making, I love to use colors are fonts to show emphasis and attract people's attention (it's a shame that I couldn't use colors here), and I've previously made designs for concerts and also for advertising purposes.

I'm familiar with different kinds of social media platforms, so frequent posts in media is assured. If I ended up winning this role, I'll not only keep up with posts regarding Materials events, I would also like for people to submit videos and fun stories they have in their Materials journey so that we can create a tight and inclusive community.

I'm always open for more creative ideas, and I already can't wait to be able to show people our story how we grow as a society!