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Josephine Onerhime

Materials: Events Officer

Dear MatSoc family,

Je suis Jojo, your previous RSM President and RSM Vice President of Activities & Events, vote for me if you wanna see MatSoc events go to the next level!

Having run a full Freshers' fortnight of events including: a Freshers’ dinner of 130+ people, bar night, scavenger hunt, and bowling, I know all the ins and outs for making an unforgettable night- from hand selecting the best venues, menus, decor, and photographer, to the stuff only committee see; like event registration, RAs and budgets, haggling with suppliers and fighting for ticket subsidy money- so you get to have the best for less! With 2 years on RSM Executive Committee under my belt, I'm ready to bring my experience and creativity to spice up your social calendars, and apply my successes and lessons learned to this role.

As Matsoc events officer, I would bring you:

  • New, exciting experiences through collabs with other departmental societies (MatSoc x ... Boat party anyone?)
  • More autumn term events so you can destress (and maybe get a lil preview of new MatSoc merch before it drops)
  • The BEST-EVER MatSoc New Year’s Dinner (stunning visuals, good vibes, karaoke til late at night...)
  • And much more!

Vote for me and I look forward to working with you to make MatSoc 2024/25 incredible

MatSoc Love,
Jojo xoxo