Photo of Adele Morgan Delarboulas

Adele Morgan Delarboulas

Materials: Events Officer


Im Adele, a 2nd year materials student and hopefully your events officer next year!

This year has been a fantastic year for MatSoc, with stronger social foundations and inter-year engagement, events have been exciting to attend and the community feel engaged. Lets continue that.

Although social aspects of the society have been thoroughly improved, notibly the fantastic annual dinner and pub crawls and talks, events have slowly fizzled off and have become infrequent. Not only that, but key academic opportunities like career fairs and talks have been few and far between.

My proposals are as follows:

  • biweekly social events to foster a greater sense of community and participation (e.g. karoke, house parties, quiz nights etc)
  • events specifically catered for college families, cross-year engagement
  • more industry and career talks for greater career literacy
  • networking events with alumni
  • establishing an events suggestion system for community contributions
  • talks from higher years in regards to UROP, Internship and reasearch experiences

Having been FilmSoc secretary this year, balancing a job whilst at uni, and having a full time job prior to uni, I am catererd with extensive experience in events- planning, budgeting and organistation. Not only that, from committee roles I have undertook I know how Union runs and which rules/expectations are required for events planning and aprovals at Imperial.

Given the chance, I think I could do a great job launching off the current work of the Event Officier and making this community closer and more engaged.

Thank you for reading!

Adele :)