Photo of Nissi Okine

Nissi Okine

Gospel Choir: President

I am Nissi Okine, currently a 2nd year Civil Engineering student. I am would like to be the president of Gospel Choir. Having been in Gospel Choir since the beginning of 1st Year. Over last two years, gospel choir has not only attracted new members, but has also - under the stewardship of our previous presidents - sustained the members its attracted.

My goal for us is to go deeper. Over the next year, I want us to now go deeper into what it means to be a Gospel Choir.

Gospel: the good news (derived from: god "good" + spel "story, message, news" )

I want us to grow in how we embody the gospel in our ministrations, in our activities, in the presence which we carry. As a choir, I want us to be bearers of the Gospel such that those outside of the society will be drawn to Christ as a result of the culture we have established within ourselves.

Choir: an organized company of singers; a group of the same class

For the choir to remain successful, we must continue to be in harmony, both vocally but also in unity. With the majority of society being singers, I hope to provide opportunity to increase musical knowledge and skill/ability.

I'm looking forward to seeing our choir go deeper next year and having more time together in activities such as worship nights, games nights and more as we continue to learn together.

Stay blessed.