Photo of Senara Jayasekera

Senara Jayasekera

Right to Play: Vice-President

Hi everyone!

I’m Senara and I am running for Right to Play Vice President. I think UH curry is such a great event for such a good cause, and I would love to be a part of the committee running it!

Being on RAG and halfway dinner committee this year I have some experience organising and planning big events.

If elected my main aims would be:

  • Liaise with Infernos to ensure the best possible deal for the night
  • Find a DJ early
  • Staggered queuing system to make sure the queues on the day do not get too crowded.
  • Continue the running the current fundraising events (e.g. interclub netball and take me out) as well as thinking of new fundraising events (e.g. pub quiz)

I would really appreciate your vote!

Senara :)