Photo of Nina Khadra

Nina Khadra

Right to Play: President

Dear fellow members,

It is with great enthusiasm I am applying for presidency of the Right To Play Committee. Having served on the general committee last year, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact our team made. Now, I am eager to take on a higher responsibility and lead our team to even greater success (hopefully with the help of an incredible committee).

During my time on the committee, I have demonstrated a strong commitment to our mission and a proactive approach to fundraising initiatives.

I have been part of and lead many successful fundraising events but this was my favourite! Last year's curry event was a tremendous success, and I am committed to ensuring that we maintain and build upon this achievement. With creative ideas, effective early planning, and enthusiastic teamwork, I am confident that we can make the upcoming UH Curry event our best one yet.

As a social and outgoing individual, I thrive in connecting with others and building strong relationships. I play for sports teams and work several jobs part-time schowcasing that I have the organisational skills required for this role.

If elected, I will work tirelessly to foster a supportive and inclusive environment where members feels valued and empowered to contribute their ideas.

I know this will be a lot of work but I am more than willing to put in the time, energy and dedication needed to make this years event as successful as the last.

Thank you for considering my candidacy,
