Photo of Kavya Sathish

Kavya Sathish

Physics: Sports Officer

Hi everyone I'm Kavya!

As someone who plays a lot of sports, I believe sport has the ability to bring people together whether that be just friends having a kick around or coming together as a team to play against a common rival.

As sports officer I would like more people to get involved in sports both recreationally and competitively. I would like to organise fun sessions for different sports like badminton, basketball, dodgeball and indoor football. These would be open to anyone. I would do polls to find out which acitivity people would be more ineterested in so I could work closely with the team at ethos to book courts. For comptetition I would like to arrange matches against other academic departments. With enough departments, a tournament system would be an option as well. This would be ideal for people who want to be on sports teams but aren't able to fully commit.

I have been on the university Women's 1sts team for badminton for 2 years now, and as social media manager for the society I have come to understand the intricacies behind running a sport team which involves things like web admin for the website, booking courts and managing sponsors. Due to this I believe I have what it takes to coordinate several of these sport sessions and teams within physics!

I think getting more people involved within sports would definitely bring people closer together and it also adds another element of fun to life at Imperial!