Photo of Diya Gupta

Diya Gupta

Hockey Womens (ICSM): Stash and Sponsorship Officer

Hello Ladies!!

I’m Diya and I would love to be stash sec for next year!!

Anyone who has interacted with me will be aware of my incredible drip (from Hull’s famous £10 vintage shop) making me the perfect candidate for the role - although not sure if the Callum coat will be making a feature in next year's stash.

My aims:

  • Stash recycling - selling your old, donated stash to newcomers, this allows them to get player tops asap and is environmentally friendly :)
  • Bring back jewellery!! If, like me, you have looked at the hockey chokers in longing awe, this ones for you!!
  • BAGS! I am keen to get a hockey rucksack that holds your stick, personally I am sick and tired of carrying the stick around like a fool
  • Listening to your suggestions is key! I will reach out and take votes on what stash people want, working to get this for as cheap as possible! (I’ve heard BBL jackets are on the cards)

With my experience as social sec, I feel I am organised enough and have the skill set to handle large amounts of money, deal with external companies and bargain to get stash for cheap and on time. I love the hockey club and will put my all into supporting all activities and members of committee (#solidarityforsocialsecs) and the club in general. I feel very positively about next year and can’t wait to contribute to another great year of hockey!!!