Photo of Haixuan Zhou

Haixuan Zhou

Vision: Medical School Liason

Hi all!

I'm Haixuan but most people would probably know me as Connie. I'm a second year medic and would love to run for medical school liaison. I remember how helpful resources like these were when I was applying back in the days, particularly the mock interviews and I would love to pass down the skills and knowledge I've acquired to those interested in medicine.

Helping out in various MMI mock interviews in different socs and mentoring 6th form students with med school application on Zero Gravity was very enjoyable. I was able to see the students grow as a person and for some, build on their understanding and confidence to perform well in interviews.

As part of committee, I look forward to continue supporting aspiring medics at a larger scale by assist with events, collaborating with medical schools across the UK and more!