Photo of Osazuware Eribo

Osazuware Eribo

Gospel Choir: Publicity Officer

Hi, my name is Osa and I am running for ICGC Publicity Officer.

As publicity officer, I will use our social media platforms to show what being in Gospel Choir is all about. Our page will reflect our values and beliefs to show people what we do. I believe there is great power in storytelling within publicity, and it will help us connect with more people to convey the Gospel. My aim is to keep growing our society and spread the Gospel by publicising the songs we sing and why we do it.

From the amazing work that has been done this year, I plan to build on this to grow our social media platforms even further, especially our Instagram and re-establishing our presence on TikTok.

In my role as publicity officer, I will create regular and engaging content that resonates with the audience. This will not only be to promote our showcases but also demonstrating what it means to be in Gospel Choir and encourage newcomers to join.

Some ideas for content include videos, interviews and behind the scenes to display the choir’s talent and personality online. This also includes inspirational messages and bible verses of the week that involve society members all to expand our online community.