Photo of Averen Turay

Averen Turay

Musical Theatre: Webmaster

Hi there. It’s Averen, and I would love to be your webmaster this year. 😎

By day, I might be a hardworking Imperial student, but by night I am a professional hacker working for the government (sshhhhh do not tell anyone, that information is classified...). My background in both python and html would make me an ideal person for this role.

I will be keeping the MTSoc website up to date, adding in upcoming shows and some of those gorgeous photos taken from dress night rehearsals. Trust, those links will definitely be linking🤌.

Let it be known that dressing the part for all those MTSoc rehearsals and socials is unquestionably number one on my list. So, I will be bringing back some of your favourite stash items from the past years (be sure to cop your sweatshirts and sweatpants from the website👍) and I will be hopefully adding a few more items to the mix (keep your eyes peeled for a ¼ zip fleece😉).

I would truly have the best time being webmaster, so do not hesitate. Go vote for your fav hacker now!

Yours in humour and professionalism,
