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Gunn Pungpapong

Ophthalmology: Treasurer

Hello, I’m Te and I’d love to be your Ophthalmology Society treasurer for next year!

Having developed an interest in ophthalmology through clinical and placement experience, I am passionate to play an active role in shaping the society’s ethos and future. As the treasurer, I recognise and aim to champion the values of responsive communication, financial transparency, and proactive problem-solving.

My previous leadership experiences include Vice President of my school’s Medical Society and more recently as AMSEP officer of this year’s AMSA committee, in which I lead the planning of an international medical student exchange with Thailand. Thus, I believe I am well-equipped with and have developed leadership skills vital in maintaining effective logistical and communication processes as treasurer, as well as a deeper understanding of the challenges of a society’s budget and cashflow.

If elected, I aim to:

  1. Strengthen finances through means such as obtaining Union funding through annual budgeting, as well as securing sponsorships through working in conjunction with the Sponsorship Officer; this allows for subsidisation of other aspects such as reduced event and social prices

  2. Promote financial transparency among committee, updating all members on budget activities and enabling suggestions and improvements to be made in an informed and collaborative manner

  3. Clearly define a financial plan with achievable aims and an early emphasis on early budget allocation and strategic resource distribution; by clearly communicating this and being receptive to subsequent committee and general member input, I can identify areas where subsidisation is most needed