Photo of Olivia Priestland

Olivia Priestland

Chamber Choir: Chair

Taking on the role of Chair is a significant responsibility, and it would be an honour to assume this position. Having been a part of the choir for 2 years, I've witnessed both the ups and downs and appreciate how much this choir means to every member, including myself. I want it to remain the place people look forward to coming to on a Tuesday evening and treasure its unique and special atmosphere!

Being a toursec, I’m getting to grips with the union processes and with summer tour to come this puts me in a good position. I’m known well to manage my time with various strong commitments: 1’s netball player, Chamber choir and medicine. Next year my workload lightens with a Bsc year, thereby more time to prioritise choir.

Some ideas:

  • Working on larger choral works with awareness of rep + playlists made ahead of time so people can work on them to help rehearsals be more constructive musically
  • Potential orchestral collaborations
  • Instagram publicity to reach more freshers
  • Releasing merch earlier
  • Organising a successful weekend-away
  • More committee meetings.

There will be some big changes this year including the loss of several valuable members. However, this transition also provides an opportunity for current and prospective members to shape the Chamber choir's new chapter in the 2024-2025 year.

Amy has done an incredible job and left behind quite the legacy! I’m eager to work with Patrick, Pablo, and committee to see how great we can make the flagship choir of Imperial.