Photo of Minnie Mlilo

Minnie Mlilo

Pole & Aerial: Secretary

Hey there, I'm Minnie! I'm a 2nd year Chemistry student and I joined Pole this year! In the short time I've been with the society, there is too much to appreciate already. From the people and laughs I've had to the bruises and the strength I've gained, Pole has truly given me the space to grow socially, confidently and even emotionally. I lovveee this group and I thought this is the perfect opportunity to give back to the society by becoming your secretary!

This year I put in a motion in doing things that scare me, so other than Pole, I began going to the gym again avidly and I've loved every second of it. I also started eating much spicer food - what a daredevil! I also entered with a want to be more collaborative with my societies hence my candidacy for this role. With my organisation and patience, I aim to provide a smooth management and streamline the administration of our society. I also volunteer at a local charity shop with a specific focus of promoting mental health. I overlook the diary, books and emails for expected donations to the shop as well as working on the shop floor with customers.

Being your secretary will refine my time-management and grow my confidence in my capacity to lead and to be active for you all. More importantly, I will have the chance to chat and connect with you lovely lot on a much regular basis - I simply cannot wait! <3