Photo of Alex Ling

Alex Ling

Dodgeball: Social Secretary

Yo guys im alex and heres is 10 reasons why you should vote ne for social sec next year.

  1. number 1 : I have a lot of friends (On roblox)
  2. Im so hungoer rn
  3. I've been to the old irish pub 3 times
  4. i hate that place
  5. I will plan a kareoke social (why is there no spellcheck on the union website)
  6. maybe ill not show up to dodgeball next year idk yet (this is a joke if you vote me ill try my best)
  7. I can make text bold
  1. I do computing
  2. only me and sabrina are running (you guys should vote for her too i talked to her once she seemed cool)
  3. I havent called my parents in two weeks
  4. I will personally thank you at the end of the manisfesto if u voted for me

please only read the next part if you voted for me

thank you