Photo of Jack Kwok

Jack Kwok

Soup Run: Soup Run Coordinator

Hello everyone! My name is Jack and I am a first-year student studying Civil Engineering. As a newcomer, I noticed that many members only had the chance to volunteer once per term. Due to this, I am running for the position of Coordinator with the hope of initiating new events that offer members further volunteering opportunities. I aim to bolster involvement with Soup Run and build stronger support for those in need.

If I am elected, I will endeavour to:

  1. Increase the frequency of cooking sessions to multiple times per term
  2. Start fundraising events to raise more money for Children of Adam and to fund the cooking sessions
  3. Be receptive to feedback and open to new ideas

To achieve these goals, I will draw upon my past experiences with leadership and volunteering. I have experience with management and leading, having co-founded a STEM tutoring club in the past. In addition, I have also participated in numerous volunteering activities during Covid-19, giving me a strong grasp of the fundamental values of volunteering. Although not directly applicable, I believe these experiences provide me with relevant transferable skills and knowledge for being Soup Run’s Coordinator. Moreover, I also have a good understanding of Soup Run’s structure, having conversed extensively with the current committee over its recent affairs. All of this has given me a solid foundation to build upon and deliver on my goals.

I hope that I will have the opportunity to spark change and create an unforgettable volunteering experience.