Photo of Jiyu Fan

Jiyu Fan

Soup Run: Soup Run Coordinator

Hello! My name is Jiyu, a current first-year PhD student in Mathematics at Imperial. Taking part in Soup Run has brought me incredible happiness through helping others and meeting all you amazing like-minded people throughout the year! I hope to share this spirit by running for next year's Soup Run soc coordinator.

Here’s what I want to achieve next year:

  1. More opportunities. It's annoying that Soup runners can only attend the Sunday event for limited times. I will actively seek collaboration with other local charities to obtain volunteer opportunities.
  2. More friends. Soup Run soc is also a community where students meet and bond with each other. I will be dedicated to fostering a warm and friendly community by organising more social events, and especially by making sure new people feel comfortable.
  3. More connections. I hope to utilise everything we have at Imperial by making more frequent connections with various volunteer societies and departments at IC, so that we will be able to raise more funds and have more people involved to help the vulnerable.
  4. More accessibility. Soup Run soc is a society where everyone is welcome. I aim to establish a system that allows your friend outside IC to volunteer with us. However, this shouldn't deprive our current volunteers of any opportunities and everyone's safety is always our priority.

I am eager to hear your voice and build a friendly and fulfilling society. I would be grateful for your vote in this election if you love my ideas above :)