Photo of Josh Jacob

Josh Jacob

Bio Engineering: Social Events Coordinator

Hi Everyone!

I'm Josh and I'm a year two Molecular Bioengineer running to be your social events coordinator. I'm excited to be able to contirubute and lend my skills to help run society events smoothly and efficiently. Society events are important spaces for us to meet our peers and have a good time out of lessons and I believe that i's super important to make sure these are as enjoyable as possible. With my experience in the commitee of other societies I'm more than used to working as a team, running events and making sure that deadlines are met. This means that, if elected, it'll be easy for me to hit the ground running.

Most of my friends know me as someone that's always trying to lighten the mood, a quality that lends itself naturally to the role of social events coordinator. I'm also extremely organised and that's something I intend to apply to the role in order to ensure that events are meticulously planned and go off without a hitch. I'm also calm under pressure and adaptible to change, which I believe is an excellenet combination of traits to tackle unforseen issues at the last minute.

I hope that you all feel that my passion and skills will make me the right choice for the role!