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Leire Landeira Suquia

Hockey: Alumni Officer

Hi!! You might be surprised to see my name here as I'm in fourth year - I love ICHC so much that I've applied to do a PhD at Imperial so I'll be around for a long long time (if I actually get the funding...)

We all know we have a lot of people graduating this year and I know we'd love to keep in touch with them - that's why I think this year it will be especially important to do well as alumni sec. As a fourth year I know quite a few of the people that have graduated in the past three years, and most importantly know most fourth years so I'll be able to gauge interest, select the right dates and convince them to come.

If I've managed to take 13 L2s to Madrid and bring them back without any losses (except maybe one phone) - I believe I'll be able to plan alumni dinner, president's day and many other socials since I know everyone that's graduating will miss ICHC immensely </3. I also have experience in exec (Media sec - undeniably the instagram has had a glow up since I took over) which will be useful for this role and I'll be happy to help wherever needed!