Photo of Yiling Lei

Yiling Lei

Aeronautics: Industrial Liaisons Officer

Hey aeronauts, I'm Yiling, a second year student and I’m running to be your Industrial Liaisons officer. I want to continue the industrial connections we’ve made over the past years and provide more in-person opportunities with professionals and companies to help us find the right opportunities.

Quite some people are considering careers in different disciplines so I aim to further diversify the industrial connections we’re making by collaborating with other departments to expose us to more possibilities. On top of the weekly talks, I believe we can all benefit from more in-person networking events that allow us to gain honest insights, build personal connections, and make our internship-hunting lives more pleasant.

I greatly enjoyed a site visit organised by Aerosoc and want more of us to benefit from on-site visits. Company site visits can offer a breath of fresh air, reminding us of the exciting prospects ahead fueled by this challenging degree, and how we'll be making our legacy in engineering and contributing to society.

What’s most important to me is what you want so we can make the best of the beginning of your career. I'll always be happy to listen to your thoughts on what companies we should invite over or what types of events you think you can benefit most from. As a proactive and purposeful doer, I’ll ensure our activities are aligned with our interests and career aspirations, and create a platform that allows us to gain the insights needed to navigate the professional world confidently.