Photo of Kaitlyn Lee

Kaitlyn Lee

PASS: Social Officer

Hi everyone! My name is Kaitlyn, a first year Chemical Engineering student who would love to be your social officer for PASS next year.

From Food Angel back in Hong Kong to Famine 24, HKPASS was one of the first clubs I had come across, creating core memories that will surely be highlights in my Imperial time. As a social officer, I intend on encouraging more members to participate in such meaningful volunteering and flagships events and share these feelings I had.

My goals as Social Officer:

  • Continuation of main annual events - including Famine24, Imperialogy
  • Introduce new events: movie screening, potluck, UK based volunteering events
    • will be seeking out feedback so YOUR call of events!
  • Collabs with other societies / universities
  • Plan ahead of time with events and work closely with Publications Officer for our instagram updates

Joining external events such as Amazing Raise at UCL and Colours of Life at Kings has not only honed my communication skills, but fostered my network with other PASS members, which will surely be an asset for the team. Furthermore, my experience in event curation and organizational endeavors as a Club Chairlady and Prefect has endowed me with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved. Amalgamating in my networking and organisation skills, I am confident that I will be a good fit for the role.

Together, let's make our university experience memorable and enriching for all! I look forward to continue all the fun times I’ve had in PASS!