Photo of Beth Cham

Beth Cham

Artsoc: Vice-President

Hi everyone! My name is Beth and I'm the current Vice-President of ArtSoc. Throughout the year, I've had the privilege of working with the rest of the committee to manage ticketing, plan socials, and liaise with other societies/external agents. I'd love to continue doing so in 24/25 :)

My goal this year is to improve the following:

  • Ticket numbers. Many people were disappointed in the first term at how fast tickets sold. To ensure we match demand, I hope to send out polls upon confirmation of show dates, to add more seats if need be - or to watch it again if it's too popular!

  • Number of shows. Increasing the number of shows per term would help us strike a balance between watching popular musicals while still catering to those interested in seeing more niche shows.

  • Being more budget-friendly. Watching musicals is hard on the wallet :'') I'd like to introduce more cost-free socials and activities, so that everyone can be involved even if they can't watch many musicals. Potential ideas include movie nights (the wicked movie!), karaoke, and quiz nights, hopefully increasing the sense of community in ArtSoc and allowing members to meet outside of shows.

  • Reducing prices. Ticket prices are going up, which unfortunately makes it harder to keep prices affordable for members. I aim to work on getting a larger grant from the union so that we can subsidise ticket costs further and watch pricier shows.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you'll vote for me!