Photo of Guzman Sanchez

Guzman Sanchez

Basketball: Vice President

Hey everyone!

I'm Guzman, I am a second year physics student and player for the M1 team. I am also the current Publicity officer for the society. I am excited to run this year for the position of Vice-President of the basketball society.

Basketball has always been a very big part of my life, ever since I started playing in school as a kid, and I was so glad when I came to Imperial to find out how welcoming and vibrant the society was here. In my first year I started playing and taking part in events, and then I decided to become part of the committee this year as well to help with the organisation, specficially with connecting the society to other basketball communities and potential sponsors.

My vision for next year is to keep doing what we've been doing, and carry on the efforts that have been made by previous committe members.

I hope that the next season is even better than this season (although it will be hard to beat this one), and I can't wait to see everyone on the courts next year!
