Photo of Szonja Skenderovic

Szonja Skenderovic

Entrepreneurs: Events Coordinator

I believe an entrepreneurial event should have one goal: to introduce people to unconventional opportunities. The first few months were enough for me to notice how as educated STEM students, all career’s fairs show us are opportunities in consulting and research.

Talking to my peers, a lot of us don't know any better, simply because other options are never presented to us and thinking outside the box alone could be scary. As such, my main goal as event coordinator would be to help students explore careers in the startup industry, either as a passionate founder, or as an early hire.

It is hard to stumble upon effective advice about your next steps on your own, but I will find them for you.

  • I plan on organising career’s fairs specifically for those interested in working and interning for startups, and small to medium enterprises.
  • I want to present startups with ideas that might be specific, or unheard of, with the emphasis of showcasing opportunities.
  • I will make sure that the events I organise highlight venture opportunities for all STEM fields
  • I will dive deeply behind the scenes: I plan to host talks between VCs and founders, events centring around breaking into the US
  • Lastly, I won't forget the importance of networking: I will organise formal networking events with other Entrepreneurship societies, with a goal to have VCs present there as well.