Photo of Hollie Meyers

Hollie Meyers

VegSoc: Chair

Hi I’m Hollie, a third year medical student, and I’m running to be Chair for Vegan and Vegetarian Society. I have been an active member in Vegsoc since first year and held the role as Events Officer this academic year. I’m loving the opportunity to organise events for vegans/vegetarians/those interested in veggie living to come together and enjoy tasty and sustainable food together!

We’ve had some budget issues this year but hopefully there will be more funds to subsidise dinners/events to make them student budget friendly next year!

My promises if you vote for me as Chair:

  • support the Events Officer to continue with monthly dinners
  • organise a Veganuary Buddy Scheme (admittedly tried and failed this year lol) but with better preparations this should work well - alongside educational talks, bake-offs and other events across the whole of January
  • parties/events to celebrate the veganniversaries of our members! :))
  • more collaborative events with vegan societies from other London universities
  • a trip to an animal sanctuary (potentially Earthling Ed’s Surge sanctuary…)