Photo of Silvia Mijangos

Silvia Mijangos

Women in SET: Publicity Officer

Hi everyone,

My name is Silvia, a 2nd Year Biochemistry student, and I’m excited to run for the position of Publicity Officer within Women in SET! With a dedication to advancing opportunities for women in SET, I am confident that I will make great contributions to the Soc.

A brief introduction – I am a creative and outgoing person who loves anything art and book related (not self-help books, promise). Although I am very passionate about science, I want to expand my horizons beyond it and delve deep into the business world.

Knowledge is Power – As Publicity Officer, I promise to enhance this Soc’s visibility through strategic and innovative campaigning, collaborate with my colleagues and keep our socials exciting and up to date. I want to keep it fresh, dynamic and fun colleagues to ensure that all the events organised reach as many people as possible. I am committed to diving into key topics on our socials, such as gender equality at work and how societal designs affect women (bathrooms in particular!!).

With my knack for photography and design (both digital and physical), I’m excited to have fun creating eye-catching, visually aesthetic and informative posters and graphics. I cannot wait to make use of these skills in next year’s committee.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and hope I’ve been convincing enough to get your vote!!

All the best,
