Photo of Kirushsa Jijendra

Kirushsa Jijendra

Women in SET: Publicity Officer

Hey everyone, I’m Krish, a 3rd year Civ Eng student and I’ve proudly been a part of Women in SET for 3 years now! :) I'm excited to put forth my nomination for the position of Publicity Officer within this society!

I have a keen eye for aesthetics and content creation, I hope to revamp our Instagram presence, making it a captivating platform that inspires and informs. Through visually appealing posts and compelling stories, I hope to showcase the vibrancy of our community. I'm committed to exploring innovative ways to engage with our audience. From interactive workshops to networking events and fun socials I plan to keep our followers informed, entertained, and inspired through all our social media platforms! I'm eager to proactively engage with other societies and establish partnerships to amplify our impact, reach a broader audience, and create unforgettable events through collaborative efforts. Above all, I am deeply committed to fostering an inclusive environment where every voice is heard, and every woman feels empowered to pursue her passion in SET.

I hope you all show your support by voting for me and together, we'll continue to break barriers and empower Women in SET!! 🌟