Women in SET: Liaison


Anusha Ashwin

Hello! My name is Anusha, and I am a second-year Biomedical Engineering student, and your previous Web Editor for WSET. I decided to run for Liaison of the Women in SET society as I have always been passionate about encouraging female involvement in the STEM fields (let’s reduce that male-female ratio!!). Throughout my second year, I have really enjoyed helping organise WSET events, especially the Annual Indust ...

Fatiha Tabassum

Hi everyone, My name is Fatiha, 2nd year physics student. This year I am running for the liason officer for WSET. I have been enjoying all the WSET events this year and I found them very helpful as well. I would like to join the committe as the liason officer to improve the connections between WSET and other clubs and societies at Imperial and beyond. One of my main objective would be to increase the number of colla ...