Photo of Imogen Salmon

Imogen Salmon

Sailing: Secretary

Hi everyone! For those that don't know me, I'm Imogen and I've been social sec for the past year. I'm excited to try something different in the role of secretary. I think I've learnt a lot by being on committee last year and feel I can use my experience to aid the committee as a whole in the coming year. As secretary my main focuses will be:

- Getting the kit order done as early on as possible, so our new freshers won't have to brave the cold for too long (and so the rest of us can rep our Imperial merch)

- Keeping the squad and our social sailors up to date with any events/socials by doing the newsletter and instagram

- Helping the rest of committee with any admin (I've learnt a lot about race captain admin this year 😉), and helping first time committee members adjust to their positions

- Creating a welcoming atmosphere for freshers in the club (e.g. by accompanying them to A&E at 2am)

I care a lot about the sailing club and would really like to have an impact on the running of it next year so it can continue to grow. Last year I used a quote from my flatmate Nathan that seemed to work quite well so here's another one: "Going with the flow isn't always the wisest course. Go against the grain, swim upstream like the mighty salmon and vote for Imogen."

Sailing Love xoxo
Imogen Salmon,
Your secretary, your lifeline, your friend