Photo of Iolanthe Georghiou

Iolanthe Georghiou

Dance Company: Webmaster

Hiya! I am Iolanthe (ioly, Yoli, etc) and I am running for Webmaster. I want to keep this short and simple and just say that Dance Company has been the highlight of my second year and I am so grateful to have been part of this amazing team. The commitment, time and effort dedicated to this team as well as the sheer talent is unreal and I admire every single one of the members.

This is why I want to give back to the Company in my own little way by organising some of the socials and running the social media presence to ensure we advertise as much as we can and broadcast our amazing abilities. I want to organise more socials for the teams to really bond whilst upping our social media presence to attract even more talent whilst sharing our talent and passion with our online audience.

I hope I have the chance to help the society in committee and watch it grow and progress even more!