Photo of Matthew Williams

Matthew Williams

Civil Engineering: Events Officer

I have a simple 5-point plan for our events next year: the PINTS plan.

P - Pub Crawl

The four bridges pub crawl is the highlight of freshers week. I don't take that responsibility lightly. Working closely with the mums and dads officer, I will ensure all 'families' have the best time they can on the most important event in freshers' civil engineering career.

I - Initating More Events

In past years, events have not been well attended after freshers week. I have so many fun memories of the Pub Quiz, Games Night, and more. I will ensure we keep that momentum up after freshers week, continuing to host fun events for civil engineers (and friends).

N - New Imperial Logo

This is nothing to do with being events officer, but vote for me if you hate the new logo <3

T - The CivSoc Bar Night

The CivSoc bar night my first year was one of the most fun events that CivSoc put on! I miss it! If you're in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year now, I'm sure you do too.

I WILL bring back the CivSoc bar night next year.

S - (Inter-Departmental) Socials

Co-Hosting events with MechSoc, EESoc, DocSoc, or whatever the hell geology students are would be a great way for us to meet new people and enjoy some inter-departmental fun (and rivalries? -- head-to-head challenges??). CivSoc hasn't done anything like this before, and I believe we could pool our resources with other societies and plan some great events.