Photo of Arabella Heath

Arabella Heath

Biochemistry: Social Events Officer

As a first year biochemistry student, I have had the privilege of experiencing the whole range of brilliant events put on by BiochemSoc this year. As Social Events officer, I would be committed to organising lots of exciting opportunities to ensure that everyone has fun, and gets a much needed break from the incessant lab reports!

I have particularly valued opportunities to get to know other biochemists, and with that in mind I have several ideas for next year:

  1. Increase the number of collaborative inter-year group events, e.g. quizzes, escape rooms, and scavenger hunts
    • Emphasise events for BiochemSoc families
    • Encourage specific mentorship schemes
  2. Hold events with other Biochem societies to build networks between universities
  3. Organise informal events with postgraduates/professionals in life science
    • Create a relaxing environment for people to build valuable connections
  4. Facilitate effective communication between the BiochemSoc committee and its members
    • Hold regular meetings for people to give feedback on social events
    • Create a tight-knit community

I think it goes without saying that one of the biggest priorities is good food, and I would strive to ensure that our events deliver!

Having run several school societies and put on many fun events, I am organised and skilled in communication. I have experience working for a biotech start-up, where I developed important abilities in working to tight deadlines and collaborate effectively, in areas from scientific communication to finance. Most importantly, I am a Londoner, and therefore have lots of ideas for places to go (and avoid!).