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Isha Ashish Rajadhyax

Biochemistry: Social Events Officer

Are you Leucine :) your mind because Biochemistry is pretty stressful?!

My name is Isha Rajadhyax, a first year Biochemistry student who is looking to make our department a more fun and exciting place to be. With the workload and pressure that comes with the course, I believe that it's important for us to have opportunities to strengthen our community connections and have some fun! I recognise that we don't all enjoy socialising in the same way. So as your Social Events officer, I would aim to plan various kinds of events from creativity to competition. Whether you're into ceramic painting, competitive pub quizzes or a chill movie night, there will something for everyone. And if you think there isn't I will be more than happy to make the socialisation space more inclusive :)

I would also like to encourage more connection between our respective year groups by organising more inter-year socialisation events and family activities, making the department more cohesive and ViBeY.

I have always loved organising events, from student council to community and outreach initiatives, as I find leadership positions very rewarding. I believe that I am approachable and enthusiastic, and will be committed to actively listening and acting on your ideas of how you would like to bond with our community.

I care deeply about my fellow student community and would be grateful if you gave me the opportunity to give back to it.