Photo of Olivia B-G

Olivia B-G

Biochemistry: Vice President

Hi, I am Olivia and I am a second-year biochemist running for Biochem Vice President. Let me introduce myself…

Who am I

  • Volunteer for Mind Charity who share a goal of mine to put mental health first
  • I am a young career ambassador
  • I love drawing and concerts

My Goals

Increased career guidance through talks, resources, and company sponsorships so you do not have to navigate the world of internships, placement years, and postgrad carers with uncertainty

  • One feedback regularly given to the department is the lack of past papers, I aim to increase exam resources such as past papers particularly model ones in the 2-hour format and more problem classes and exam workshops to ease exam stress
  • I plan for more Biochemistry events, with your involvement to help decide what events are best, and a key focus of mine is to keep the tickets low-cost
  • I will meet with the department to discuss some of the main issues I have noticed people complaining about such as poor scheduling and resources being made available on time

Why vote for me?

  • I am very compassionate shown by my regular volunteering
  • As a young career ambassador, I have been planning events for young careers which involve lots of organizational skills
  • I am comfortable talking to the department and raising issues you may not wish to
  • I genuinely have an interest in Biochem

I am always around on campus (probably too much) and hopefully a face you can start to trust with concerns