Photo of Oliver Abraham

Oliver Abraham

Biochemistry: President

In my short time here at imperial I believe I've got to enjoy some of the best times of my life, along with the some of the largest stresses. As president of the biochemistry society, I pledge to reduce the problems of my peers by compiling notes and feedback of students across multiple years into easily accessible files, as it is cooperation that will allow us to achieve the grades we dream of.
On top of this I intent to further such connection between year groups by holding more socials that will have the input of people from across the course. I’d also like to implement any ideas by the cohort to create events that are meaningful and specific to us. Furthermore to improve transparency and provide opportunities for students to voice their input anyone will be welcome to come, sit in and partake in society meetings, so that its clear how our society is run and what our money goes towards. As well I plan to bring greater collaboration with other related societies, so that we may meet more likeminded people, be more informed about the opportunities available to us and be able to get the most out of our time as students.
As someone who has headed a myriad of clubs through their schooling, I believe that with the help of the people around me we will be able to make a society to be proud of.