Photo of Angel Baeza Gutierrez

Angel Baeza Gutierrez

Sailing: Race Captain

Hello to everyone, my name is Angel, and I am running to be your race captain next year. Sailing is my passion; I have been sailing since I was five and competing for fifteen years. My goal as race captain is to share the knowledge I have acquired of this sport in a way that, as a club, allows us to move forward and become the best squad in the university circuit.

I have competed on a regional, national, and international level and in the last two years with Imperial Sailing I have reached finals both years. As such I feel equipped to become your new race captain. My plan for the 24/25 year is the following:

  • Make fleet racing a meaningful part of trainings as a means to improve boat handling. This in my opinion is the key for many of our sailors to then make the most out of team racing exercises.
  • Have a more personal approach to trainings: using powerboats to give direct feedback on mistakes and improvements, and individualised comments on each boat’s performance.
  • Structured training sessions and event schedules with briefings on the planned exercises and short theory sessions before launch.
  • Create reserve spots within the sailing squad with the aim of having all 12 boats on the water every weekend. This will create more productive sessions and a better group dynamic.

I hope I can count on your vote for the upcoming election and if you have any questions feel free to reach out.