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Aakrati Sharma

Chemistry: President

Hi everyone!

I'm Aakrati (2nd Year) running for ChemSoc President.

Some of you may have met me already (probably panicking about a lab report!) but if you haven't then hi! I was on ChemSoc committee 2022-2023 as Marketing Officer, where I handled the Instagram posts and helped organise the famous ChemSoc dinner in December.

My aims:

- To increase the diversity of role models by inviting more speakers from BAME and other underrespresented backgrounds to our industry and careers talks, and by doing mini interviews with people in our department on their journey in academia and tips they would have for us.

- To strengthen our industrial ties by inviting every company that sponsors us to deliver a careers talk (and give us lots of freebies).

- To increase help for Year 1 and 2 (academically and pastorally) by allowing Chem family parents to become mentors, and facilitating this with help from the Department.

- Organising all our super fun events throughout the year (Mario Cart!!) and hopefully adding a new event for the purpose of fundraising for a cause that we all agree upon.

-Using all my power as ChemSoc president to encourage our department to take a stand against the new Imperial logo which looks so bad honestly.

If any of these sound good to you please vote for me!! Thank you!

Aakrati x