Photo of Adele Morgan Delarboulas

Adele Morgan Delarboulas

Filmsoc: Chair

Hey there!

I'm Adele, a 2nd year materials student and this year current FilmSoc Secretary, but hopefully your societies future chair.

Although this year has been a little quiet with events and participation, in-part slightly due to having such a small comittee, I believe there are strong foundations to build on a much larger and thirving community. With a little organisation, communication and honesty, this society can again become a something which engages in more events and the wider imperial community as a whole. With key focuses on building social aspects.

My propositions:

  • more regular screening with large focuses on external trips which gain larger popularity
  • film festival trips
  • an imperial film festival to showcase all your wonderful works
  • screen writer talks and industy engagement
  • hopefully establishing society sponsors for more funding
  • film events such as live action engagement, drink as you watch, BYOB nights
  • outdoor summer screening such as Hyde Park
  • social events such as film pub crawls, house parties, chesse and win nights, snack making

Most importantly I want to hear from you, your opinions on what we should watch, do and discuss. Currently we pick as a committee, but lets be real, youre not going to come unless its what you want.

With experience now as a committee member, I know the internal works of the society and union, as well as establishing connections within the film industry across the last year, so the transition to the new role will be easier.

Thank for reading!

Adele :)