Photo of Siddhant Parekh

Siddhant Parekh

Rail and Transport: Treasurer

I have been part of ICRTS for 2 years and I have many truly incredible memories and experiences with this society. ICRTS events are by far the most amazing and interesting of any society events I have attended. I have extensive experience being a Treasurer. I held my first Treasurer position back in 1st year (I am currently a 4th year). I have been Treasurer for 2 different societies this past year, and am also running to be a management group treasurer this coming year. Thank to this extensive experience, I know Union Finance Regulations/Procedures like the back of my hand. I have literally read the Union Finance Manual cover-to-cover. I have experience using almost every financial tool the Union provides: from imprests, credit card requests and purchase orders, to issuing sales invoices and filing banking records

I believe a thorough understanding of finance procedures can have a major positive impact on the society's activities and improve members' experience. For example, this past year the society has not reclaimed VAT properly. The Union themselves say this can significantly impact a society's financial health. The request for grant funding from the Union (part of annual budgeting) was also done incorrectly. Rectifying problems like these can prevent unnecessarily losing funds. This can be reinvested into cheaper tickets, larger capacities for event, and more pizza/snacks. I really love ICRTS and I hope I can bring my experience and knowledge as a Treasurer to make our events even more incredible than they already are.