Photo of Sabrina Chan

Sabrina Chan

ABACUS: Vice-President

Hey everyone! I'm Sabrina, a first year Biotechnology with Ventures student and I am running for vice president next year. As a girl who grew up in Hong Kong and have been studying abroad in the UK for 5 years, I have gained a deep understanding of both Western and Asian culture. Joining abacus gave me more opportunities to connect with like minded people who are from similar backgrounds.

The vice president position entails several responsibilities, including organising internal events and liaising with other universities for larger events. Hoping Abacus will foster opportunities for people to connect and form genuine friendships, I intend to create more ice breaking events on top of having a picnic at the start of term. For example casino night (w/ mahjong and cards), arcade bar, escape rooms.

Most exciting of all, I would love to participate in organising clubbing events. I have proudly been to almost all clubbing events this year (except 1010 i got bit too drunk otw 🙁), and made many friends from different countries and universities that I still keep in touch with. As I understand most ic students have hectic schedules, I want to improve the ticket collection efficiency by changing physical tickets to digital ones. This not only can save time, but also prevent people from leaving their tickets behind when attending events (from personal experiences).

I have thoroughly enjoyed every ABACUS events this year and will be thrilled to be elected for vice president in the upcoming year.