Photo of Justin Tam

Justin Tam

Mahjong: President

Hello! I'm Justin in Year 1 Chemistry, and I'm delighted to be running for president! I've only gotten into playing mahjong a year ago, but ever since then I've been so obsessed with it - it's the perfect mix of strategy and luck, so it's such a fun and exhilarating game to play and relax!

That's why, as president, I will strive to introduce mahjong to more people and do my best to share this exciting pastime to everyone. Most importantly, regardless of skill level or prior experience and background, I'll make sure everyone enjoys themselves and has fun during our weekly meetings. So, I'll do my best to make Mahjong Soc as welcoming and accessible to anyone who wants to join, and organise more activities such as competitions and social events.

I'm very grateful to Mahjong Soc for letting me continue this hobby at Imperial, so I'm absolutely ready to contribute and make sure that Mahjong Soc continues on to provide a fun and fantastic time for everyone! With my previous experiences running clubs and societies both in Hong Kong and London, I've developed essential organisational and communication skills for this role, and I'm sure I'll be the best fit to serve as president! In any case, I really appreciate your support, and see you all at the weekly sessions! Thank you!