Photo of Marco Chan

Marco Chan

Squash (ICSM): Social Secretary

Hello everyone it is me again! My name is Marco and I am happy to announce I am re-running for social secretary. Although I am not the best in squash, I absolutely love the team spirit and the community for squash. As a result I am happy to run again as social secretary to organise more inclusive socials for our members! Here are the 3 Ts i am offering:

  1. Tours - Having organised and brought back the Oxford squash tour this year, and getting the union to approve our proposal is a huge achievement for me as a result with this experience I believe it would make future tours and trip approval more smooth.
  2. Tournaments - I would like to host more friendly squash tournaments such that novice players like me could get to enjoy the fun of smacking balls in the wall but not getting too intimidated by other more experienced players.
  3. Team Spirit - Fostering a community of supportive people within ICSM squash is my ultimate goal, working alongside other committee member I hope to arrange dinner / food socials to get to know each other more and allow us to share advices and experience across different year group to make ICSM squash an even more appealing society to join in addition to the squash aspect.

If I get elected I would be super grateful and start practising some lob but if not I’ll go back on the sad summative revision grind. Btw that's me in the pink cucumber underwear :)